📝 Posts
Making todos more magical with n8n
Using annoyances to learn something new
Transcriptions from Friend in Obsidian
Creating a small Pingo clock
Easy configuration for Circuit Python devices
A simple public transport display / clock
Commandments for personal knowledge systems
Writing SwiftUI apps With Chat-GPT
Reflecting on 1000 Daily Notes in Obsidian
Retrofitting an old iPod Mini
Reading Workflows for Calibre
A history and list of wearable keyboards
Progress on wandering.computer
Configuring Mainsail With Zerotier
8:36pm - 2021
Creating VT-40 custom keyboard
Notes & ideas on storage systems
Keeping an unread list
Personal Taxonomy (Part 2)
Personal Taxonomy (Part 1)
The case for single purpose tools in these digital times
Does muscle memory have a spatial or orientation component?
Learning to work with a new keyboard & layout
Software architecture for a wearable computer
Rhizomatic notetaking
Finalizing the hardware for a wearable keyboard
Improving the ANT PCB Maker head
Workspaces instead of applications
January: Project Month
Obsidian Query Language plugin published
Wearable keyboard prototypes
Bandwith problems with Human Computer Interfaces
Exploring wearable input devices
8:36pm - 2020 & Planning January
Making a bluetooth Sudoku keyboard
Creating an Obsidian Clipper
Building an ARM Terminal
Chrome plugins for RPA
My daily journaling scripts for Obsidian
Interacting systems within Obsidian
In search for a knowledge system
Making an Ant PCB Maker
Designing a Pi camera mount for the Prusa Mini
Micropython LCD menu: upymenu
My setup for Python projects
Celebrating 10 years of 8:36pm
Automating my brewery (Part 3)
Automating my brewery (Part 2)
Automating my brewery (Part 1)
The Idea Machine
Eerst Hulp Bij Abonnementen (EHBA)
8:36pm - 2018
iPhone XS NFC Shortcuts
Making and Fixing Things
Restoring an old plane
Brewing a new batch of beer
Talking about my phone usage
Creating smart bubble counter fermentation process tracking
8:36pm - 2017
Getting started with a LoRaWan gateway
Predicting energy usage with Prophet
All my 8:36pm photos of 2016
Brewing beer in a modified kettle
On holiday in Italy: Rome, Florence, Pisa & Cinque Terre
London on a double-bike
A talk about the many things a little experiment can teach you
Fixing (LinkedIn) interfaces with Chrome plugins
Making Waves
Privacy & Gracefully revealing depth
Musings on transparency
On solving annoying things
Sous-vide food with a rice cooker
Data and reflections about 2015
A lecture in Ghent
Quantified Phone Usage with iPython
Sri Lanka for holiday!
Holiday to Denmark, Berlin and the south of France
An interview for the Perfect Human and other publications
Something's brewing!
Lago di Garda
Gradual Privacy for personal data
Creating the Intelligence Room
8:36pm, a 2014 video!
3D printing lampshades or any object based on data.
Learning about power-usage data from my home
My server got hacked, this is what I did
3 Years of computing
Lessons learned building Django projects: 2
From east to west in The Netherlands
Tinkering with the Meetup API
The Metabiography, written in the cloud
Thought Kinetics at Coded Matters: Extended Senses
Quantified Self Europe Conference #3
The curious corner on video
I made it into another book and co-authored my first white-paper
Lessons learned building Django projects
Experimenting with company activity dashboards
All the 8:36pm photos of 2013
Taping interviews
Cooking up and getting down in Chemistry
Using Moves data for?
The Curious Corner of the Internet
A Jawbone API Python library
Twins in New York!
Making sense of your phone invoices
San Francisco and #QS13
A quick list of all my recent things in the media
Building a Fitbit organisation dashboard
On a tandem bicycle to Bregenz
A python library for the Moves App API
Late night TekTok, talking QS and education
Diving into hardware!
QS Europe Conference
A small bite of news
Building a Personal Health Dashboard with Panic's Statusboard
Data-visualisation for the Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Generating Mondrian like art with D3 & Javascript
On the TV for VPRO Labyrint
Pecha Kucha about The Quantified Self and Permanent Beta
8:36pm - 2012
Metabolite testing with Talking20
Startup Weekend Utrecht
The Quantified Self and the New Aesthetic
Karlskrona, Sweden
Plugin Heuristics
Hiking 500 kilometers
Storify as slides for talks
Using Zeo Raw Data for performances
Video's of a few talks I gave last few months
Datavisualisatie voor het CBS
2011, A Summary
QS Europe 2011
Going interactive!
Stand Up Inspiration: Mijn Reis naar #QS2011
Moon phases and sleep patterns
Publishing personal caloric values
Preview of my San Francisco Report
How I would like to write.
Python library for the FitBit API
Sync Kindle notes and clippings to Evernote
First nights with the Zeo sleep monitor
San Francisco 2011 & #QS2011
My effort for a better readinglist
My method for improving dream recall
Mobypicture Export
So what am I tracking?
Trip to Brussels
Measuring mouse interaction
Dabblings in Processing
2010, A summary
Geolocation based grocery reminders
Thoughts on data portability
Why shoot a photo at 8:36pm?
My view of technology
QS Amsterdam Recap #1
GeoTracking: streaming GPS locations