London on a double-bike

On sunday the 10th of June I left my parents place on a double-bike. Together with a friend we cycled to Zwolle, took a train and prepared ourselves in the evening for a trip to London. As we took the boat to Harwich the next day I didn’t know what to expect as I hadn’t visited England before.

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As we talked with locals it turns out it’s much more enjoyable if you take the small hilly roads towards your destination. This also ensures more scenic views and much more nature, unfortunately this also introduced some off-road paths which our bike didn’t take that well.. (as did we!). Before long we reached London and did a quick tourist route covering the most important landmarks:

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After spending 2 nights in London we went south-east towards Dover and after a couple of days we reached the white cliffs:

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Our tour was finished by taking the boat to Dunkerque, cycling north towards Vlissingen, while staying the night near the beach of Belgium. We averaged around 70km per day. It was a great trip!