Measuring mouse interaction

I am an avid user of shortcuts and like to improve my workflow and I would like to discover hidden patterns. This is what happens next. When I bought my Mac 2 months ago I dumped my mouse in favor of the trackpad. Did this influence my mouse/trackpad interaction? Sadly I can’t draw any conclusions about it because I switched my operating system too!

However more recently I started using MacLogger and together with Jelle I’ve made some custom python and processing scripts that should offer more insight into my mouse usage. When I showed the screenshot below to Jelle he noticed I don’t use my dock, as there are almost no points of rest at the side or bottom.

mouse patterns in processing

I can confirm this because I use Alfred to launch everything. Another interesting point is the usage of the Omnibox which is related to my Google Chrome usage. I didn’t know the shortcut ‘cmd + L’ to select the omnibox yet. Let’s see if I run the test again in a month if this has improved. An afternoon also yields the following data:

  • 68805 total mouse movements.
  • 45831 movements shorter as 10px.
  • 22942 movements longer as 10px and shorter as 200px.
  • 31 movements longer as 200px.
  • 791346px total distance (somewhere around 10px/second/day).

I use the trackpad/mouse for mostly smaller movements. Is it possible to let is auto-snap to certain things?

I am aware there is software which makes nice graphics etc, but I like my data raw and MacLogger happily provides it!

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