
Last month, most of my time was spend on a project for Yuri Veerman & Elsbeth Fraanje, who are part of the Quantified Reality project by het Mediafonds & the Sandberg Institute. Elsbeth and Yuri are exploring the possiblities of (auto)generating a biography from somebody's meta-data and created the the aptly named Metabiography. I was asked by Yuri & Elsbeth to build a working prototype For now, it's in pre-beta phase, but below is a screenshot how it could look like. continue reading...

Last sunday my brother and I had an exhibition with Thought Kinetics and artist-talk at Coded Matters: Extended Senses. We showed our static prototype exploring the visualization of datasets that are collect and visualized in a static way. This is our first step towards a more realtime system where we can use any data and visualize it on a canvas in an abstract way. We also gave a talk about our process how we got from a prototype towards a more solid system that uses Node. continue reading...

Last weekend I spend my time at the Casa400 hotel for the Quantified Self Europe Conference. With around 250 attendees and 30% of the people giving a talk, you could truly say that's been an carefully curated unconference. I gave a lunch-time ignite talk about my project and people liked it! Hopefully the video will be up soon. And I pre-ordered a few Vitalconnect patches for experimenting, including Thought Kinetics. continue reading...

I've curated 6 editions of the Curious Corner of the Internet until this day. It started out as an experiment of just showing my saved-for-later links in a presentation. The newsletter essentially was a second format, and I didn't explore my chances for a talk much further. Until now, during the Week for the Entrepreneur in the Netherlands, that I'd give it another shot. Sadly, it's in dutch, but here's the video: continue reading...

Last year I gave a little talk at the Cross Media Cafe in Hilversum. Happily afterwards I gave a little interview and people took a few photos. This year started pretty nice with some media coverage, but at the end of february a book landed in the mail: I made a scan of the page and it's available on Scribd. And together with the working group of patient generated data, we've written a white paper about the data that persons generate that healthcare could use. continue reading...

I've been using Django as my go-to framework for the past few months. So far I've enjoyed the ride, but have learned some things that I'd like to share with you: During project setup, create a virtual environment for yourself to work in. Use the 'pip freeze' for creating a requirements.txt that helps you manage dependencies. Don't use any paths within the views. Instead, use the reverse function for looking up routes that correspond to the url. continue reading...

As an experiment, I'm collecting data from the Moves app from multiple persons within a organisation. The goal is to find out what's possible with the amount of data the persons generate each day. Currently, the collection of data is ongoing and the next step would be the visualization of the data. Here are some simple graphs you can make with the data: Further steps could be exploring what a group wants from visualisations like this. continue reading...

Like last year, I made a small video of all my 8:36pm photos. With a bit of help from my brother, I managed to get everything into after effects and put it together. Let the nostalgia commence: Looking back in a glance, the things I notice are: less computer work, more socializing and the increment in the amount of beverages and food photos. Next to that, I failed keeping up this year and missed a lot of photos. continue reading...

Last week I've spend some time before camera lenses. On wednesday I got a call for an interview for RTL Nieuws about CES and wearables. A quick interview got me 2 minutes of fame (on from 18:10) on  television. On thursday, a longer interview for Arte TV, that will be shown later this month (viewable online too).


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I made a small visit to Paris at the start of November and I had the opportunity to visit the Lab Store. I've read about the concept in a book called The Lab that I've bought during my first visit to San Francisco. It's just pure luck that I come across that book in a little bookstore, but it feels like the adventure is just about to start.. While visiting the Lab Store I had to buy one of the Le Whaf's. continue reading...