
My effort for a better readinglist

I love the Read It Later List service. Each day I save about 20-30 articles from Google Reader or my Twitter client so I can read them later. However, these amounts make it hard for me to process all the things I save. That’s why I need a readinglist that has additional filtering/speed/shortcuts. As my endeavors with Python continue, for the last few months I’ve been developing my own version of the perfect readinglist build upon the API of Read It Later List.

Dabblings in Processing

The collected data of 2010, mostly trough PersonalStats, but Foursquare and Twitter too, is a huge amount. Next to interpreting this data and using the information to create a feedback moment, the data can also turned into art. Nicholas Felton makes a perfect example: his highly interesting Annual Report fascinates me in both visual and informational ways. As Kees discovered Processing, it left me wondering what I could do with it.