
Quantified Phone Usage with iPython

Technology is making it easier to collect data, for example phone usage. From the 1st of January I tracked how much I’ve used my phone by installing an app called Moment. It runs in the background and silently tracks how much you use your phone. As said, the first step towards behaviour-change is providing insight in current behaviour.

Lately I’ve been exploring iPython for data-analysis and sharing snippets of data. I’ve started a Github repository that contains some notebooks I’m working on. And I’ve embedded the one below where I analyse my phone usage:

Learning about power-usage data from my home

I recently moved to a new home, and I got a freshly installed new electricity meter that’s a little bit more intelligent. It was now possible for me to sign up for, that let’s you access the power-usage data from the meter by a 15 minute window. That’s quite some data to play with! Being interested in the data, I wrote a little scraper that collects it for me and stores it in a SQL database, from there on, with Flask and Peewee it was quite simple to create a little API for my own dataset.