
Musings on transparency

I’ve been thinking about and exploring transparency a lot lately. As I’m building dashboards for employees, transparency is one of the key factors of integration within the workforce. But there are some funny things about transparency and this is why most companies and organisations are having difficulty adopting a transparant way of working. Ownership is spread when sharing processes, this lessens your level of power, but this world is not just about ownership any more, access is what it is all about.

Experimenting with company activity dashboards

As an experiment, I’m collecting data from the Moves app from multiple persons within a organisation. The goal is to find out what’s possible with the amount of data the persons generate each day. Currently, the collection of data is ongoing and the next step would be the visualization of the data. Here are some simple graphs you can make with the data:

Further steps could be exploring what a group wants from visualisations like this.

Using Moves data for?

In July I wrote a little wrapper for the Moves App API. But I didn’t develop the ideas I had for it any further due to time constraints. But other projects got me into it and I wanted to share what I’m currently building. I’ve drawn the same concept of a fitbit dashboard over to a Moves Dashboard, so we can use the same data. And I’ve got some friends who come up with great ideas too!

Making sense of your phone invoices

Telephone companies tend to have a lot of data about a user. This data includes some information that could help you decide whether you could pay for another subscription that fits more to your usage. To fix that problem I’ve build a dashboard which uses all the information available trough the invoices my current company (T-mobile) provides in a PDF. (FYI, I got a version running that’s also working with receipts from Vodafone)

Building a Fitbit organisation dashboard

The Fitbit (affiliate link) is one of the best tools for activity tracking.The interface is nice and the hardware is durable and syncs wirelessly. For a personal level is good, but using group-wise or equipping all employees with a Fitbit turns out to be non-existent. During the past few days I’ve spend some time building a dashboard that lets people see the data from all users within a group. It gets all data trough the Fitbit API and summarizes it into a view per day/week/month.