8:36pm - 2020 & Planning January
As 2020 is over and 2021 is just beginning I once return to the yearly habits that I’ve grown into doing. One of them is completing the Year Compass together with my girlfriend. To other was stuck for a while to the fact that OS X Catalina only supports 64 bit applications, which sucks if you run an outdated version of After Effects.
I had to ask my brother to render the yearly movie of all my 8:36pm photos and thankfully he did, so without further ado, here it is:
Since everybody is creating new year goals and I haven’t really done one in the recent years I decided to do it one thing different, I will be spending the entire month of january solely on my own projects, for example the ANT Pcb Maker or plugins for Obsidian. As such I will be updating the blog more regularly, so keep an eye out for updates!